



Soundscape: Flooded Grounds (In Progress)

(Work in Progress)

    “Soundscape: Flooded Grounds” is a project where I compose original interactive music and design sound effects for a free scene found in the Unity asset store. 

    The musical changes in games can be categorized into two types: randomized changes and responsive changes. Both can be found in my composition for flooded grounds. I deliberately separated my music into as many short segments as possible. The smaller the blocks, the more modular the music is. Not only each stem is separately rendered, but all the musical sections with at most eight measures in length are stored in different audio files. With both horizontal and vertical cuts, it is possible to build more complex and flexible designs. 

    Since there is no actual gameplay, responsive changes happen in Flooded Grounds mainly based on the player’s position. For example, as the player enters the church, a chant-like track and some glockenspiel hits will be vertically layered into the music.